Can You Put Milk In A Keurig?

Can You Put Milk In A Keurig

Ever gazed at your Keurig, clutching a bottle of milk and wondered, ‘Is this a genius idea or a recipe for disaster?’

We’ve all been tempted to stray from the traditional water reservoir fill, especially on those groggy mornings when a creamy brew sounds just about perfect.

So, can you actually pour milk into your Keurig? Let’s dive into the frothy details and find out!

Can You Put Milk in Keurig?

No. The Keurig coffee machine comes with a water reservoir, not a milk reservoir. You should not put milk in Keurig; it will destroy the functioning of your Keurig.

It will also stick to the reservoir and clog the pipe. Also, the design of Keurig is such that it takes a few minutes to heat water. Adding milk will ultimately destroy the heating coil.

Why Shouldn’t You Put Milk in Keurig?

1. As I have stated above, milk will destroy the machine. The design of it is for only holding water and not any other liquid. Avoid putting milk as much as you can. Milk will quickly clog your filter and ultimately wear it down.

2. Milk contains lactose that makes it burn. Therefore, after heating, it leaves a layer of milk in it. It is close to impossible to get rid of the coating.

3. The design of the heating coil is such that you should only use water in the Keurig. You can successfully heat your milk there, but be sure as you will be damaging it by doing so. In short, avoid putting milk in the Keurig at all costs.

4. Keurig advises that you should replace the filter every two months. The impact that milk leaves in the Keurig makes you replace it very frequently. It is uneconomical.

5. You require to descale Keurig maybe in 3 to 6 months. This period is when you are using water. After how long will you have to use the descaling solution in your Keurig to maintain the shape of its tip? Less than the usual, of course, when you frequently use milk. 

6. Your coffee may also end up having a weird taste. Because, when making it, you have to run water through your Keurig, not milk.

Alternatives to Putting Milk in Keurig

Now that putting milk instead of water in my reservoir is terrible, what should I do? Maybe you feel that coffee tastes better with milk. Or you probably cannot stand coffee without milk.

But frankly, you cannot compare the taste of coffee with milk with that without the milk. Let’s keep this debate aside. The one with milk tastes heavenly to you. So, what should you do, ensuring that you do not spoil your Keurig?

1. Use Milk Pods

You can use milk pods in your Keurig. They come from whole milk. Keurig does not manufacture these pods, but their functioning is similar to that of coffee pods. In some machines, they may not work, so you have to find a way to make them functional.

After getting milk pods, you still have to brew your coffee. It is somehow a long process but way better than pouring in milk to the reservoir.

2. Use Separately Heated Milk

This option is way better than putting in milk pods to your machine. Especially if you have to make, the machine brews the pod the same way it does with coffee pods. It can damage the machine. In this method, you will heat your milk, then froth it.

You will need a milk frother for this. Brew your coffee and then add froth to it. There you’ll have a nice cup of coffee. The process may seem quite tedious, but worth it.

3. Purchase the K-Cafe Machine

Who wants to go through brewing coffee first and then brew the milk pod that can damage your Keurig? Or fist heating up and frothing the milk and then brewing coffee.

The above methods are tedious, and getting a machine that will do both will help you immensely.

This machine will brew you perfect and creamy coffee, all at once. After all, this is the convenience you need, at the same time, without compromising the state of your machine. 

How to Fix Your Keurig After Putting Milk?

Keurig coffee brewers come with a water reservoir, meaning that adding milk into it is a bad idea. Adding milk will quickly clog the pipes that pump your coffee. 

You should brew your coffee separately and then adding in milk after heating it. It will give you the perfect tasting cup of coffee. This tutorial will show you how to fix your Keurig in case you use milk in it.

1. Rinse the Reservoir

Carefully remove the reservoir. Ensure that you thoroughly rinse the reservoir until there is no more milk in it.  Rinse it many times as long as, in the end, there is no milk left. 

2. Use the Machine

After rinsing, place the reservoir back to the machine. Use the machine with distilled water. It will rinse out the milk remaining in the water lines. To completely clear the lines, consider filling and emptying the reservoir several times.

3. Clean the Machine Using a Milk Froth Detergent

It is hard to completely get rid of the taste and smell of milk in your Keurig. Even after rinsing it several times. The flavor comes up due to milk residues in the machine.

A milk froth detergent will quickly do well with it. You can use an alkaline cleaner for this. Pass the cleaner through the water lines. This way, the residue will soon come out.

4. Regularly Clean the Machine

Make it a habit to clean the machine more often, even after thoroughly cleaning it with an alkaline detergent. It will help prevent bacteria from accumulating.

When cleaning, first remove all the removable parts, clean and dry entirely. Then proceed to the other parts of the machine. If the filter is removable, it will be best to replace it.

Can I Make Hot Chocolate With Milk in Keurig?

You can also use Keurig to make other drinks like tea and hot chocolate. The process is still the same since you just run in water into it, and then start brewing.

However, if you prefer having your hot cup of chocolate with milk, then do not use Keurig for this.

Consider purchasing the machine with a milk frother or make the milk and the chocolate separately. Otherwise, putting in milk in Keurig will destroy it. The taste will even be different.

How Often Should I Change My Keurig Filter?

You should change it between one to two months. Or after 60 brews. Failure to change the filter ultimately affects its taste. So, this is a crucial maintenance step for your Keurig.

If you use milk in your Keurig, you will most likely need to change it more often than this. Therefore, ensure you use distilled water anytime you make coffee.

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