Flat White vs Latte – What’s The Difference?

Flat White vs Latte

These two types of coffee are some of the most popular coffees around the world. They are loved for the milky taste that they provide to the rich flavor espresso base. In as much as they are both espresso-based and layered with milk and cream, they contain significant differences.

What Is The Difference Between A Flat White And A Latte?

The most significant difference between a flat white and a latte lies in the milk. There is less milk in flat white than there is in a latte. In terms of taste, the flat white has a stronger coffee taste than the latte. This is because it is served in a smaller cup and has less milk, diluting the espresso base only slightly.

Read on for more differences and similarities between these two popular coffee brands.

What Is A Flat White?

A flat white is an espresso-based coffee, with a flat layer of steamed milk known as microfoam. This milk gives it its name, and its smooth and velvety taste. It also provides the slick appearance

It is a recent introduction in specialty coffee shops, having just recently become popular in the West. It is thought to have been a staple of Australia and New Zealand. It is served in small cups to maintain the strength of the espresso base. This gives it a strong coffee taste.

What Is A Latte?

We have enjoyed lattes for a long time. They were a significant part of the coffee drinking culture way before the flat white appeared on the scene. Lattes are espresso-based coffee served with a large layer of milk and foam.

Flat White vs Latte

Cup Sizes

One of the most significant differences between a flat white and a latte is the size of the cup they are served in. The flat white is served in a smaller cup than a latte. In many places, it is known as a small latte, which it is not. The smaller cup helps in making sure that the espresso base is not overly diluted when milk is added. The latte is served in a long glass.

Amount Of Milk Used

Usually, lattes are served with lots of milk. As a result, they have a milky taste. The amount of milk used in a flat white is half of that used for a latte, and it’s not as thick. It is a thin milk layer used mostly to provide color and the smooth taste of the flat white.

Taste And Texture

With a thin layer of milk, the flat white usually has a strong espresso taste. The microfoam also makes it smooth and velvety as it goes down, it also provides its smooth texture. The latte on the other hand has a milky taste and a coffee flavor background. The amount of foam in the latte provides a smooth creamy texture.

How To Choose Between A Flat White And A Latte?

The choice between a flat white and a latte depends on the sophistication of your palate when it comes to coffee. If you prefer a milky taste to a strong coffee taste, then the latte is the choice you make. Many new coffee lovers start here. It is easy to drink as it masks the strength of espresso with a large amount of milk.

If the taste of coffee is what you want to enjoy, then a flat white is the choice you make. First, it is served in a much smaller cup and only a little milk is used. This means that you can still enjoy the strong flavor of the espresso, with the smoothness of milk in your mouth. Although it has a strong espresso flavor, the flat white is easy to enjoy.

How To Make Your Flat White At Home

  1. To make a great tasting flat white, you need a high-quality espresso-making coffee and steamed hot milk.
  2. Make your espresso with your preferred home espresso machine.
  3. Steam your milk to 130 degrees.
  4. If your home espresso machine has a frothing wand, it will be much easier to make a professional barista flat white at home. You can also heat your milk on a stove or froth it in a blender.
  5. Pour your milk. To make your homebrew a coffee shop piece of art, tilt your espresso as you pour milk from the pitcher. Start at the center and then pour faster as your pitcher touches the edge of your cup. Create a pattern by moving the pitcher left and right as you pour. Tilt your cup to its upright position to make a straight line on the surface of the coffee. Pour your milk from one side to the other on the surface of your coffee.
  6. Now you have your perfect cup of homemade flat white. The first time you try to make the art on your coffee, it might not end up as you like. Keep experimenting with your pour to create your perfect art on your home brewed flat white.

How To Make A Latte At Home

  1. You will need brewed coffee, milk, and your favorite flavors.
  2. Heat your milk in a microwave for 45 seconds to a minute to warm it up. Then froth it.
  3. Pour cream in your cup if you like. Add your espresso.
  4. Pour your frothed milk into the cup and enjoy your home-brewed lattes.

You do not need to be a barista or have any experience working at a coffee shop to brew a flat white or a latte at home. Brewing any of these two drinks at home brings flavor and variety to your meals. It also saves you money that you would have used at a coffee shop. It also helps to save time. Brewing these drinks at home takes less than five minutes, saving you commuting and waiting time at the coffee shop.

Does A Flat White Have More Caffeine Than A Latte?

This is one of the most common questions that is asked when one is comparing these two espresso-based drinks. Contrary to what many people may think, the level of caffeine in these two drinks is the same. This is because they are usually made from the same amount of espresso.

What makes people think that the flat white has more caffeine is its much stronger coffee flavor. This is as a result of using less milk or creamer than the latte. The espresso in the latte is more dilute than that which is in the flat white. Therefore, for a latte, you will have a milkier taste as opposed to a more coffee flavor in the flat white.

Why Is A Flat White More Expensive Than A Latte?

Despite both coffee drinks being espresso-based, the flat white is more expensive than the latte at a coffee shop. Why the difference?

Lattes have been made and enjoyed for many years while flat whites still have the novelty of a new wave coffee. This is one of the factors that influences the price of products in the market. Most often, customers are willing to pay more for new products or new techniques to make an old product.

Another factor that influences the price of the flat white, is the skill required to make one. Baristas spend more time learning how to make this drink perfectly. Besides, the unique artwork done on the flat white is hard to master. The flat white is therefore more expensive since you will also be paying for the advanced skills possessed by the barista who makes your coffee. The different styles used to make these two coffees are a major determinant of how much you will pay for your favorite espresso-based drink.

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